piggy bank

The piggy bank introduces baby to counting, colors, animals, and sizes through friendly role-play, all wrapped into an exciting piggy bank theme. Big coins show animal moms, little coins show babies! And, just like real coins, the coins have heads and tails — with the front and back onrainkajino each animal. Ages mos. With five different colored animal coins ten coins total each with heads and tails, baby can practice animal names and sounds while learning to count and sing songs.

Piggy bank to put money in the bank? Slide each coin through the top slot and piggy bank one of five different musical ditties each time a coin hits the ジャックポット ルーレット of the bank! Want to take the money back out? How does it help my child develop? With the introduction of counting, colors, animals and sizes, along with music and songs to enhance language skills, the learning keeps on adding up! Isn't piggy bank amazing? Watching piggy bank faces light up as they explore, discover, play … all those moments when children learn best.

With playful ways to engage curious minds, exercise little bodies, and nurture budding personalities. What's In The Box? Fisher-price Laugh and Learn Learning Piggy Bank piggy bank 10 coins. Introduces baby to counting, colors, size, and animal names and sounds From the Manufacturer.

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